Note: The following information is lifted from BCA, and is re-produced here for reference only. As this page may not be updated as frequently, you are highly encouraged to check with the authorities for the latest updates and information.

Central Area and Outside Central Area
All advertisement signs are carefully controlled by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) and Building and Construction Authority (BCA) under the display guidelines, viz Guidelines for Outdoor Signs In the Central Area and Guidelines for Outdoor Signs Outside the Central Area.

The approach adopted for the Central Area is to focus on all outdoor signage within the designated signage routes. These designated signage routes correspond to the key ‘activity corridors’, i.e. the retail and entertainment areas along Orchard Road, Bugis Area and at Chinatown – where outdoor signage must be compatible with the overall planning intention of the place.

Conservation Buildings
For signage to be displayed on buildings located within a conservation area, clearance from the Conservation Section (URA) is required before the application for a licence can be made to BCA. Please click on this link for an extract of the Conservation Guidelines on Signage.

Other Technical Requirements
For applications for the display of outdoor signage within the Central Area, on road related facilities and structures, grass verge, etc, consultation with the other relevant agencies may be required. BCA may disclose your application form to:

  • other relevant government agencies; and
  • other non-government entities where such entities have been authorised to carry out specific government services to process the application you have submitted.

(Source: BCA)